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SBBD, with your help and support, have successfully rescued over 200 boxers from an uncertain future or life threatening conditions.

Most have already found amazing forever homes, but some remain under our continued care in the Balkans until they are strong enough to come to the UK.

Some we continue to support financially once here with ongoing treatments.

We are a non-profit organisation that relies solely on donations.

It costs us over £300 to bring each dog over, this includes neutering, passports, vaccinations, transport, flea and worm treatments and on top of that any vet or foster bills prior to rehoming.
The adoption fee we ask barely covers this, so we are constantly fundraising to make up the difference.
These dogs need us – they have no one else.

They deserve a better life, a chance to be the amazing, funny, courageous, daft drool monsters they are, without the heartbreaking cruelty or struggles they face just to survive.

We don't ever want to have to say no we can't help a dog that needs us, because we don't have the money. Every dog deserves to be helped.


Every facebook post share, every regular direct debit, standing order or one off donation, every easyfundraising sign up, every prize donation, EVERYTHING helps.


If you have any fundraising ideas, wish to talk about corporate sponsorship, or have any questions please get in touch.


Bank Transfer or regular standing order:

Lloyds Bank:

Account name:-

Saving Balkan Boxer

Dogs Rescue

Account number 83493460

sort code

30 98 97


paypalme.sbbdboxers or click on the link

Sign up to easyfundraising and every time you shop online, SBBD receives a donation without it costing you a penny - click the link for more info


Could you foster a dog?

Fostering is not a lifetime commitment, its a commitment to save a life.

Some dogs don't do well in the kennel environment, it can be stressful for them, others just need time to adjust or learn - fostering is a special role which helps a dog to integrate, you could be the lifeline a dog needs. If you feel fostering may be right for you, please contact us.

Huge thanks to...

The lovely Lyn Austin, who has kindly sponsored our website, in memory of two wonderful SBBD dogs. All of our rescues are special, and we remember each and every one, but our gorgeous Piper, and the wonderful Colin Keely both recently gained their angel wings and both will always have extra special places in our hearts.

Fly high and run free you beautiful pair.



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